
Measure temperature with AD592 and Arduino

The menu example in a previous post can easily be modified to conver the raw A0 analog reading into voltage. Since the Analog Devices AD592 converts temperature into a current proportional to absolute temperature, we can convert this to a voltage using a single resistor. By taking advantage of the Arduino’s 10-bit analog input, we read this voltage and convert to a temperature.

Here’s the updated code:

// Description:
// Simple menuing system for Arduino
// Demonstrates a menu with controls and
// data readback
// Communicates with PC at 115,200 bps 8N1
#define LED1 2
#define LED2 3

void setup() 
  pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
 int m = readMenu();
 switch (m)
  case 1:
   digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
  case 2:
   digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
  case 3:
   digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
  case 4:
   digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
  case 5:
    // VT100 reset cursor to end of menu (row 15, column 1)
    char resetCursor[] = {27,'[','1','6',';','1','H',0};
    double temp = analogRead(A0) * 4.9 / 10.0 - 273.1;
    Serial.print("Temp: ");

// Waits in a loop until key is pressed
// then returns digit selected
int readMenu() 
 while (!Serial.available())
 return - 48;

// Displays menu
void menu()
  // Clear
  char buf[] = {27,'[','2','J',0};
  // Print menu
  Serial.println("1....LED1 on");
  Serial.println("2....LED1 off");
  Serial.println("3....LED2 on");
  Serial.println("4....LED2 off");
  Serial.println("5....Read A0");
  Serial.println("\n\n Select 1..5");

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